25 August 2010


Check out what showed up today!!

I wish you guys could see the outtakes from my PhotoBooth session.  I could make faces at my computer for hours.  Sometimes I do.

Well okay, fine.  You talked me into it.  Here are two more gems.
See? I'm ready to eat that sh!t UP!
C'mon. Who's the prettiest blogger you know?
Gotta go.  Katniss is waiting!! :mrgreen: Will be back tomorrow with TiLT!


  1. Riiiiight? We can't help it that we're SO PRETTY that every face we make just NEEDS to be captured.. ;)

  2. I love your lists like this on Thursday. A running partner, someone who helps to stay positive, but regimented at the same time is great. Sounds like you've found a good one. Have a great weekend. I included one of your comments in the newsletter that is going out Friday morning. Thanks again for finding the time to stop by. I always enjoy your comments. =)

  3. Aw thanks!! If you couldn't tell, I always enjoy your posts! :)
