11 October 2010

To Fight For Your Happiness

Learn to value yourself, which means: to fight for your happiness.
- Ayn Rand
Last night, instead of studying for today's midterm or posting this week's quote, I stayed up until nearly 2am talking and laughing with a friend.  I hope that you all have someone that you feel completely comfortable with, who will listen to all of your stories and wishes and fears, and be honest with you no matter what - someone who will help you fight for your happiness, as Ayn Rand puts it.

I'm taking a break. Next Monday is my two year anniversary with Boyfriend; I've changed a lot in the last two years and I don't love all of those changes. I need to do things for myself. I'll be on Twitter and Tumblr, and I'll be back. :]

08 October 2010


No, not the band. But I've put up a choice track for your listening pleasure. (Acceptance was one of my favorites in high school and college; they once played my hometown three times in two months - heaven!!)

This week I've accepted some things about myself -
  • as a blogger, I will never have the posting schedule of someone like Shannon and that's okay.  It doesn't mean I'm a bad blogger, it just means I'm not Shannon.  Lord knows how she does it, but bless her heart for giving us so much wonderful content to read and so many beautiful pictures to look at every day.

  • as a human being, I sometimes need more than I want to give myself.  Sometimes I want to sleep longer/eat more/work less than I should and sometimes I just have to give myself a "Get Out of Jail Free" card.  Just because.  I don't need an excuse or a reason.  (Sometimes I also try to see how many times I can say "sometimes" in one paragraph.  Five.  Beat that!)

07 October 2010

TiLT #9

Having a really tough week (I mean.. REALLY. TOUGH. WEEK.) but there's gotta be something I'm grateful for this week..right!?

"It Gets Better" videos ♥ In particular, Tim Gunn's. I love Tim Gunn and his response made me love him even more. Make it work. (I haven't watched Zachary Quinto's video yet, but DANG..  Is that man out yet!?  Repression is a b!tch, that's all I'm saying.)

Perfect jeans ♥ I've been playing this game with American Eagle since August where they send me a pair of jeans and I wait on pins & needles for them to arrive, only to decide the the jeans are too short/too skinny/not dark enough/not good enough and I send them back.  Repeat.  This week we finally got it right and I will never again stray.

Coziness ♥ Long sleeves, snuggly scarves, hot chocolate, late afternoons, cashmere cardigans, fuzzy Uggs, apple cider, wool jackets, tomato soup, extra blankets, warm slippers, old movies, delicious candles, steaming mugs, good friends, dancing leaves, pumpkin coffee, windy nights... oh.  Shall I go on?

Little things ♥ Taking myself to the theater ♥ Gift cards ♥ Apple's Genius Bar ♥ Blair Waldorf-esque headbands ♥ Switching back to my "winter" perfume - love the burnt sugar / vanilla smell ♥ Realizing that the semester is halfway over ♥ Red Netflix envelopes waiting for me ♥ Good hair days.

05 October 2010

On the Floor

October is one of my favorite months of the year for a couple of reasons:
  1. Fall truly begins - colors peak, seasonal flavors are everywhere, and best of all.. Halloween. :D

  2. October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month which means that I get to wear as much pink as possible, as often as possible with the best possible excuse.
If you use Facebook, you probably remember last year's "post-your-bra-color" game.  The idea was to raise awareness for breast cancer (how, I'm not quite sure) and to leave the men on Facebook guessing why all the women were posting colors.  This year, the plan is to post where you like to leave your purse.  For example, "I like it on the floor."  This way you can have a vaguely sexual status update with a charitable defense - it's all in the name of breast cancer.

If it's not already obvious, I think this is dumb.  If someone could kindly explain to me - how does this raise awareness for breast cancer?  Yes, it goes viral on Facebook in a matter of hours, but how does this do anything for the cause?  At least the bra colors had to do with breasts; this purse location thing has me scratching my head.  If you really care about breast cancer,  why wouldn't you donate money, go talk to someone about it, schedule a mammogram, etc., instead of update your Facebook?

03 October 2010

Quote of the Week

"You have to take risks.  We will only understand the miracle of life fully when we allow the unexpected to happen."
- Paulo Coelho

01 October 2010

Happy Friday!

Just some bits and pieces:
  • There are only 91 days left in 2010!  Can you believe it!?  How as 2010 been for you?
  • Tumblr has had the most amazing inspiration lately; my brain has been so full of lovely pictures and interesting words.  If you're on Tumblr, do say hello :)
  • This weekend we have THREE pumpkin festivals (Am I dreaming? Is this heaven!?) and next weekend is our beloved Apple Fest! If you've been lucky enough to go apple picking this season already, I highly recommend Ina Garten's applesauce recipe - but don't fuss about the different kinds of apples.  I'm sure it's delicious, but use up what you picked!
Have a beautiful and relaxing weekend!! ♥