My name is Ella and I'm a 26 year old certified teacher, friend, sister, daughter, girlfriend, and work in progress. Besides blogging and writing, I love baking, reading, learning about sharks, online shopping, thinking up immature insults, and spending time with my family & friends. I am an obsessive planner, an Internet addict, and a Starbucks devotee. I love country club prep, anything Marie Antoinette or Jane Austen-esque, and diet Dr. Pepper (don't tell!). You can also follow me on Twitter and Tumblr.
What's in a name?
It's simple - I'm the Princess and Boyfriend is the P! Although I never intended to blog about our relationship, the name "The Princess and the P" was too good for me to pass up. You can read Boyfriend's blog over at Rated PG but hear this: it is pretty nerdy and he doesn't blog much.
Some Business...
I do my best to give credit and / or link back to wherever I've found pictures, but the Internet can be a strange and confusing place and I can't always find a source. If you spot a photo of yours that you’d like credited or taken down, please email theprincessandthepblog@gmail.com and I will happily fix any attribution mistakes.
The most important thing is to enjoy your life - to be happy - it's all that matters.
~ Audrey Hepburn
~ Audrey Hepburn
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