19 August 2010

TiLT #3

Going the the movies alone. I really don't know why I love going to the movies alone so much. I don't think I had the ovaries to do it until I was 22 or 23, but it feels so luxurious.  It's just such a treat!  I even bought myself Junior Mints. >:)

The merciful end of summer heat.  No explanation necessary.  The Midwest heat has been unbearable. I don't even have a tan!

Blog love! SO many thanks to Shannon at The Simply Luxurious Life for featuring me in her weekly Cups of Tea this past Sunday. It means a lot to me, especially since my blog is still just a baby! If you guys don't already have The Simply Luxurious Life in your Google Reader, add it now!  She updates a TON - especially for a teacher! - and has beautiful, inspiring posts.  Love!  (And Shannon, if you ever want to talk H.S. English teaching strategies, I'm your girl ;))

My handy, handsome Boyfriend. The other night Boyfriend said, "If I'm allowed... you're a pretty lucky girl." And he's right.

Summer houses. The only bright spot in leaving Boyfriend this weekend.  We have a summer house in Northern New York that I haven't been to much in the last few years and I'm looking forward to spending a few weekends there, relaxing on the porch with a good book (and maybe some local wine?) and catching up on my afternoon naps.

Honorable Mention. Cupcakes.. always, always cupcakes; liquid band-aid; clean sheets; Suave Naturals conditioner; busy days; lazy days ;); agave nectar; Javier Bardem (obvi); Lonny magazine; coffee (I miss you); finding the perfect gift for someone; setting up my Amazon affiliate store :mrgreen:; to-do lists and crossing everything off; Lorraine Massey, DevaCurl, and the Curly Girl Method (fellow curly girls - please give this a look!); late summer flowers; the Missouri Botanical Garden; Sabrina Soto.. what a cutie pie; ivy covered buildings; Target at Gilt; all of St. Louis' quirks.


  1. Great list! And thanks so much for the mention. Have a beautiful day.
    XO Piper

  2. I used to go to the movies alone quite a bit. It was perhaps a little awkward until the lights went down, but after that, who cares?
